mandag den 1. august 2016

Twelfth day - our last day

Today was sadly our last day. We started the day at Punahou school, with video editing (in small groups we had to make a 3 min. video about our experience here at SGLI). After editing, we had to film our 1 min video, that quickly described our project (when we receive this video from Punahou, we’ll put up a link) After lunch we watched everyones videos about their SGLI experience, which was really great. It was so fun to look back at all the memories we have made during our 2 weeks here. 

For dinner almost everyone affiliated with SGLI (teachers, students, TA’s, RA’s etc.) went to Kaimana beach. It was such a great evening, and it really made us realize how much we’re going to miss all of our new friends. Even though we’ve only known them for 2 weeks, it seems much longer. We stayed up all night, making every last moment count. 

Thank you so much to everyone who made the Student Global Leadership Institute 2016 possible. Thank you to Ordrup Gymnasium for sending us to learn about global citizenship and leadership. Thank you Karin and Peter for great company, and help whenever we needed it. Thank you to all of our new friends for making this experience unforgettable - we will miss you all!   

SGLI ohana

Photocreds to the amazing Allen Murabayashi

Thank you to everyone we met at SGLI!

Squad (some of it)


Eleventh day - ethics and morality

Since we got done with our presentation on Wednesday, we had to give the other groups feedback. While watching the other presentations and having to give them feedback, we learned a lot about presence and body language during a presentation.   

After the presentations, we did another workshop. Today we were divided into groups of 9. In these groups we had to discuss questions regarding ethics and morality. This made for a great discussion, since all the different cultures had different views and opinions regarding these though questions. 

SGLI made a short video, so you can get a quick look at our two weeks:

Even though the questions we had to discuss were serious, we still managed to get in a laugh.  

Annesofie arguing her point of view.

Tenth day - presentations, feedback & workshops

On Wednesday we presented our project for the other students. After our presentations, we got valuable feedback from the other students, teachers and Allen. Allen is a punahou alumni, who has been helping out with SGLI. He is extremely insightful and inspiring and gave us very good feedback on both our presentation and project. (Link for our presentation: OG Presentation)

After our presentation and feedback, we did a workshop with legos. We were split into different groups, and had to make a car out of lego, and a ramp out of cardboard. The aim of the game, was to make your car drive the farthest. Everyone in the group pitched in, in order to help their own team win. Kristoffer's team ended up winning, which he was very excited about. Not only was it a fun workshop, but it also taught us about the importance of listening to everyone on the team. 

On this day, we also had to prepare a 1-minute video that gives a quick look at what our project is all about. We will be filming this video tomorrow. 

Presenting our project

Finding parts for our lego cars

Building ramps with the help of our teammates. 

lørdag den 30. juli 2016

Ninth day (Presentation Work and Beach time)

On day 9 we had another presentation by Allen Murabayshi. He named the presentation  "Presentation on Presentation". Here he learned us some amazing tips and tricks to a good presentation.

Tomorrow is presentation day and we're getting ready.
Working on our "Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Project" Still smiling.

Discussions on the Presentation with Allen.

Beach time.

New friends for a lifetime.

Ready for the water.
And again. 
Warm water and beautiful surroundings.

onsdag den 27. juli 2016

Eighth day in Hawaii - The Hunger Game, project planning & talent show

Due to the stormy weather, the planned field trips were cancelled. Instead we all walked to Punahou at 9, and Mr. Reddy (the coordinator of SGLI) introduced us to a game called "The Hunger Game". We were all split into groups of 8 people, and each group was an imaginary island. The aim of the game was to feed the population of your island. Each team got poker chips to represent things such as fish, starch etc. The you had to trade with the other islands/teams in order to get the right food for your population. As the rounds went on the game got more and more complicated, and things like GMO's and military were introduced. Your population could increase or decrease - if the population decreased you had to do a little challenge. It was a great game, and gave us a tiny look into the complex world we live in today.

One of the challenges for population decrease was to hug all the other groups.

After The Hunger Game, we had time to plan our project. On the previous blog post, we explained our project. We spent the time well, and got a closer look into all the details our project will involve - e.g problems that'll occur and the challenges ahead.

In the evening we had the SGLI talent show. Everyone had to participate, which made for a great show. The students brought things from their culture (calligraphy, the haka dance from New Zealand, and the Swedish girls did a traditional midsummer dance), and others played piano, ukulele etc. Annesofie and Anna performed "Soul Sisters" with a huge group of the other students. Kristoffer sang "All of Me" by John Legend, with two boys from the US. It was a great show, and everyone had a nice time. In the end, we all sang "Sweet Caroline" (Elvis) which felt like a very special moment, since everyone was singing at the top of their lungs. 

A big group of boys did the traditional Haka dance from New Zealand

Kristoffer, Jack and Andrew performing All of Me, with a slideshow of Mr. Reddy in the background. 


mandag den 25. juli 2016

Weekend blog

Weekend and pineapple fields (and danish section on our project)

So the weekend has come and Saturday was a day full of activities and Sunday was a resting/free time day.


Our activity was a scavenger hunt and it took us around the city to different locations so we got to know the area better. We were split into different groups that were well mixed with people from every country. We had 20 different tasks that we had to accomplish.
Here are some photos from the scavenger hunt:

Anna and her group finding a "No smoking" sign.

Kristoffer and his group in front of a Korean Church (cultural building task)

AnneSofie and her group finding trees.


Sunday was our only free day and we spent it well.
First, we went to the Bishop Museum (Ancient Hawaiian history) and learned a lot of different things. They had some cool features at the museum and we had a lot of fun. AnneSofie and I went with our teacher (and her husband) to the North Shore and on to Dole (Pineapple farm and dried fruits). Anna went with a mixture of student around Waikiki and had a great day too.

We both thought that pineapples grew on trees so we had to stop by the field and get a photo. You could actually smell the pineapples in the air like a sweet scent.

Dole plantation
At Dole Pineapple Plantation in Wahiawa.

North Shore Beach

Water was warm and clear at North Shore. A lot of surfers go here to surf and hang out.

At North Shore they have Food Trucks and the food is just amazing.

Food Truck Chicken Burger with Salad and Hawaiian Juice

Beautiful view from the land.

We are enjoying the time here and we are so grateful for every day we spend here. 

Danish Section explaning our project:

Til vores danske publikum, har vi i fællesskab besluttet at skrive et mindre afsnit om projektet der involverer OG det næste halve år. Vi har efter flere drøftelser, heriblandt med en tildelt mentor, besluttet at tage kampen op mod affaldssortering på skolen. Her vil vi på bedst mulige vis formindske skolens samlede udslip og bidrage til div. genbrugsprodukter, ved at sortere skraldet, som det ses på så mange skoler verden over. Trods ideens simplicitet, er der lang vej fra projekt til praksis. Netop denne proces er vi i fuld gang med kortlægge, så vi både har månedlige deadlines samt en konkret handlingsplan, når turen atter går mod Danmark. Vi glæder os til at starte projektet på OG og se hvor langt vi kan komme, med alt det nye vi har lært her.

lørdag den 23. juli 2016

Fifth day in Hawaii - Preschools, volunteering & Luau

We started the day of, by being split into three different groups. Kristoffer and I (Anna) had to go to two different preschools, to play with the children, and later design a lesson plan so they could learn about conservation. This turned out to be a great experience - the kids were very excited to meet us, and it was fun to design a lesson plan for preschoolers. We weren't allowed to take pictures of the children, so unfortunately we have no pictures from this part of the day.

Annesofie had to go remove invasive species, to improve carbon sequestration. The man behind this project is Dr. Camillo Mora, told us about global warming etc. during the community night, so it was great that we were able to help him with his project. 
Getting a brief introduction, before starting. 

We had some free time in the afternoon to relax, after our busy week. At 6 we all went to a Luau at the President of Punahou School's house, to celebrate the halfway point of our time here at SGLI. Here, we met the sponsors of SGLI, as well as mentors and teachers. It was a really great experience to meet all the people who made SGLI possible.   

Following are some pictures from the Luau:

The beautiful view from the Presidents of Punahou's house

The President welcoming SGLI 2016 to his house.