mandag den 25. juli 2016

Weekend blog

Weekend and pineapple fields (and danish section on our project)

So the weekend has come and Saturday was a day full of activities and Sunday was a resting/free time day.


Our activity was a scavenger hunt and it took us around the city to different locations so we got to know the area better. We were split into different groups that were well mixed with people from every country. We had 20 different tasks that we had to accomplish.
Here are some photos from the scavenger hunt:

Anna and her group finding a "No smoking" sign.

Kristoffer and his group in front of a Korean Church (cultural building task)

AnneSofie and her group finding trees.


Sunday was our only free day and we spent it well.
First, we went to the Bishop Museum (Ancient Hawaiian history) and learned a lot of different things. They had some cool features at the museum and we had a lot of fun. AnneSofie and I went with our teacher (and her husband) to the North Shore and on to Dole (Pineapple farm and dried fruits). Anna went with a mixture of student around Waikiki and had a great day too.

We both thought that pineapples grew on trees so we had to stop by the field and get a photo. You could actually smell the pineapples in the air like a sweet scent.

Dole plantation
At Dole Pineapple Plantation in Wahiawa.

North Shore Beach

Water was warm and clear at North Shore. A lot of surfers go here to surf and hang out.

At North Shore they have Food Trucks and the food is just amazing.

Food Truck Chicken Burger with Salad and Hawaiian Juice

Beautiful view from the land.

We are enjoying the time here and we are so grateful for every day we spend here. 

Danish Section explaning our project:

Til vores danske publikum, har vi i fællesskab besluttet at skrive et mindre afsnit om projektet der involverer OG det næste halve år. Vi har efter flere drøftelser, heriblandt med en tildelt mentor, besluttet at tage kampen op mod affaldssortering på skolen. Her vil vi på bedst mulige vis formindske skolens samlede udslip og bidrage til div. genbrugsprodukter, ved at sortere skraldet, som det ses på så mange skoler verden over. Trods ideens simplicitet, er der lang vej fra projekt til praksis. Netop denne proces er vi i fuld gang med kortlægge, så vi både har månedlige deadlines samt en konkret handlingsplan, når turen atter går mod Danmark. Vi glæder os til at starte projektet på OG og se hvor langt vi kan komme, med alt det nye vi har lært her.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Kære alle.
    Dejlige billeder fra jeres tur til nordkysten - Oahu er bare smuk!
    Hvor lyder jeres projekt rigtig spændende. Sig til, hvis I i løbet af projektet får brug for at kommunikere via skolens hjemmeside, Facebook, Instagram eller Snapchat - så hjælper jeg meget gerne.
    Kh. Christina (CS)

  2. Fantastisk projekt! Det lyder supergodt!

  3. Fantastisk projekt! Det lyder supergodt!
