onsdag den 20. juli 2016

Second day at Hawaii - Dr. Chip Fletcher & APCSS

After the walk to Punahou School, Dr. Chip Fletcher gave us a lecture on global warming. He, among other things, told us about the difference between climate change and global warming. He explained the patterns in the global temperature, and told us how el nino and la nina effect the weather around the globe. Then we had some time in smaller groups to discuss questions such as "What are the consequences of global warming that are dangerous for humans". We came up with things like food shortages, sea levels rising, economic impacts, decreased drinking water etc.. Following are some pictures from the first part of the day.

Discussing the questions in groups

TA Ditlev from last years SGLI  

After lunch we went to visit APCSS (Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies). To begin with we were told about leadership in the modern world, and later on we were divided into 4 smaller groups to discuss different topics of conservation. In my group (and Kristoffer's) we discussed the conservation of the environment. It was really interesting to get the many different perspectives from the different students from all over the world. After we discussed in smaller groups, each group had to give a 5 minutes presentation on their discoveries. Kristoffer was in charge of taking notes for our group, so that the spokesman could give a detailed presentation.
Kristoffer taking notes next to our professor. 


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