torsdag den 21. juli 2016

Third day at Hawaii, morning walk & Community night

After driving to a nature area, Makapuu, at 4.30 in the morning, we walked all the way to the top of a mountain to watch the sunrise. Standing there and singing a typical Hawaiian song, was a extraordinary experience.

Waiting for the sunrise to begin

Service work with Malama Maunalua

After a good nap, we went back to Punahou School to participate in community night, which contained different short lectures and panel debates, performed by people from the local Hawaiian community. These lectures were primarily about different aspects of culture, environment and species conservation. As a keynote presentation, Dr. Camilo Mora, from University of Hawaii, told us about climate change and the impact these changes have on different species, including humans. Shortly afterwards, we could choose between bunches of different short lectures, as a part of the research for our final project. These lectures were for instance "Conserving Agricultural Traditions through the Integration of Agriculture in Urban Environments", "In the Wake of Dreams - The Sixth Extinction" and "Cultural Connections to Conservation".

The keynote presentation by Dr. Camilo Mora

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